Sorry but really I’m not. Seriously, it hypes me up! She knows her worth. She has values. She’s motivated and ready to make it all happen.

I haven’t always felt this way, this has taken years and a lot of difficult changes to accomplish. I haven’t always known where I wanted to be in life, who I wanted to be or even what I wanted to do. These are questions that everyone is asked, multiple times as a teenager graduating high school then throughout adulthood. Over and over, at family gatherings, friend’s milestone events and the random conversation with the bartender in the airport. These questions are asked. (It’s rather annoying to be honest) You’d think a girl could figure it out pretty quickly, and if you did Bravo! But you didn’t so quickly or maybe still don’t know the answers to these questions, don’t stress.
I say this not because I don’t wish for you to find yourself, but because stress does not help anyone to find the answers to life. Take it from someone who went through 4 different majors in college, a different job nearly every year after, and a million dreams on the horizon of every turn. A friend once told me, “Never be afraid to make a right turn,” and it stuck. The road doesn’t always have to run straight in order to get you to your destination, and it almost never does. Truthfully I still have a lot of dreams ahead of me, however the difference now is that I am fully motivated and charging towards them head on!
I am a promotional manager working a 9-5 job that I like and appreciate, part time photographer fitting in every afternoon and weekend shoot that I can, and online boutique owner creating orders and shipping them out in the evenings. Yup, three commitments, three time consuming work obligations, three OPPORTUNITIES to get me where I want to be! I strive to be a full time photographer and boutique owner, and one day that goal WILL be a reality.
I challenge you to find your nitch, figure out where you want to be in your career. I challenge you to go after your dreams, even if they are difficult. I challenge you to suck it up when things are hard, the work seems endless and the goal seems too far out of reach because sis, that is what I am doing every day. There is a bit more pride in my step and heart in my voice that I didn’t have before though, because I am doing the damn thing. One way or another, with or without help. I do, however, offer you my help. I offer you a friend to call on for advice, to rant to, give that bit of hard love and motivation.
Why do I want to help? What if you too, want a boutique? What could I possibly do for you?
Support. I could support you either way no matter what because LADIES, we do not support one another nearly enough or like we should. Women are terrible to one another and most of it comes from envy. I’m sure you agree and you probably are a bit guilty of being an envious and mean girl at some level. I’ve had my not so great moments and I strive to be better. I get asked all the time how I can support another boutique or photographer when that is what I’m trying to succeed in as well, how I can see them for anything but competition. Truthfully, competitors are sometimes created in your mind. You don’t have to bring one another down in hopes it will raise you up, instead lend a hand and climb the hill together. Honestly, I can say that since I’ve had this mind-set and desire to do good by other women I have felt SO uplifted with a much more POSITIVE and OPTIMISTIC attitude!
So make that my last challenge, while you strive to be the best you, give support to others around you trying to do the same.
I’d love to hear your plans and your journey, reach out anytime loves! Or if you know a thriving boss babe who needs to read this, give it a share.
“Siri, play Woman by Kesha”
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